More glass fun at the Bodega is here! Learn to blow glass and make awesome ornaments or aqua tubes. This is so much fun, and easier than you might think. We will walk you step by step through all the steps to create your beautiful glass treasures. Great gifts for the holidays or, if you are like me, to keep for yourself!
Sign up to make a trio of blown glass ornaments! You will get to choose any color combinations for your ornament and then flame, fire and blow! We are only taking a limited number of participants for individual attention and safety!
*Please note class includes approx. a 15 minute wait period after blowing the glass in order for it to anneal and cool before packing. Only $59 for all 3 ornaments.
**All participants must be on time, agree to wear short sleeves with no loose jewelry, closed toe shoes and hair must be tied back! ADULTS ONLY***
Art at the Bodega has a full bar for age 21+, we also have sodas, water, and snacks, available for purchase.
Rescheduling/Cancellation Policy: If you are no longer able to attend your reserved time-slot, a written request must be submitted via email to In order to receive a class credit voucher, the request must be submitted in advance. Requests made within less than 48 hours prior to the class it will not be honored.
We reserve the right to reschedule/cancel any class.